Alternative Resolution for Consumer Disputes

ActivoBank is a member of the following Dispute Arbitration Centers:

Lisbon Arbitration Centre of Consumer Disputes (

Porto Consumer and Arbitration Information Centre (

If you need help please don't hesitate to contact us at AB Support

The Entities that deal with alternative resolution for consumer disputes, are part of the Consumer Arbitration Network.

The list and contact details of these entities are disclosed by the Consumers Directorate-General in the Consumer Portal (

The Entities that deal with alternative resolution for consumer disputes are part of the Consumer Arbitration Network and have joined the RLL platform - Resolução de Litígios em Linha ODR platform also called - online dispute resolution. The list and contact details of these entities are disclosed by the Consumers Directorate-General in the Consumer Portal (

As for online products and contracted services, the consumer can use the online dispute resolution as a means of extra-judicial settlement, by accessing the RLL platform - Resolução de Litígios em Linha ODR - online dispute resolution ( This web / electronic platform site was created by the European Union under Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council of May 21st 2013.

Customer Ombudsman

ActivoBank values relations of maximum trust and transparency with its Customers and, for this purpose, places the Customer Ombudsman at their disposal.

The Customer Ombudsman - a totally independent body - primarily operates as a mediation agent in contexts of disputes between Customers and the respective institution, where its activity is strongly based on the principles of impartiality, swiftness, provision of service free of charge and confidentiality.

Any claim or complaint addressed to the Ombudsman usually assumes that all prior contacts or endeavours have already been made by the Customer at ActivoBank. For further information, please contact the AB Support Line: +351 210 030 700 (from Portugal or abroad): Business days from 8am to 10pm, Saturday from 10am to 8pm and Sundays and public holidays from 12pm to 8pm.

The Customer Ombudsman is entrusted with assuring and promoting the legitimate rights, guarantees and interests of Customers, ensuring full impartiality in the analysis of any divergences between Customers and the Bank, and, as a venue of New Claims, checks and analyses claims and complaints that have not been received favourably by the competent services of ActivoBank.

The issues should always be presented in writing and specifically addressed to the Ombudsman, with Customer identification through full name and tax identification number (NIF), by:

Letter: Rua Augusta, 84 , Piso 2, 1100-053 Lisboa

in a clear and succinct manner, and should be accompanied, if necessary, by the pertinent documentation, namely, correspondence previously exchanged with the Bank.

Client Ombudsman's Regulations
Summary of Client Ombudsman Office 2023

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