All months are good to start from ground ZERO

For 24 months​

Subject to Credit decision​

How much can I request


The right time to buy a home!

With the State Public Guarantee, buying your first home has become easier. . To make it simple, find out here how the guarantee works and how you can benefit from it.

Simulate Home Loan Learn more

What is this Guarantee?

It is a support measure that facilitates the purchase of a first home for young people: :

  • The State acts as a guarantor for up to 15% of the amount financed by the bank.
  • It allows obtaining financing up to 100% of the transaction value (i.e., the lower of the purchase value or the property's appraisal value) and does not exceed €450.000

Who is eligible?

Young people aged 18 to 35, , inclusive, who have tax residency in Portugal and who do not own or have never owned any property. Their annual taxable income must not exceed €80.000.

Check here the required documents to access the State Public Guarantee:

  • Citizen card (or an equivalent document for foreign citizens);
  • Certificate of tax residence (can be downloaded from the Tax Authority (Finanças) portal);
  • IRS settlement note (or a certificate of exemption from submitting IRS accompanied by a Social Security (Segurança Social) statement proving income/social benefits for the last three months);
  • Negative property certificate, proving that the applicant does not own any other property;
  • Certificate of non-debt issued by the Tax and Customs Authority (Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira) (can be downloaded from the Tax Authority (Finanças) portal);
  • Debt-free certificate issued by Social Security (Segurança Social);
  • Document specifying the purchase price of the property;
  • Property registration booklet;
  • Declaration from the applicant confirming that the financed property will be their first permanent residence and that they have never benefited from a State personal guarantee

Other conditions, restrictions, and notes regarding this measure:

  • The measure applies only to those purchasing their first permanent residence and who have no debts to the Tax Authority or Social Security.
  • The transaction value (the lower of the purchase price or the property appraisal value) cannot exceed €450.000. For values above this limit, the guarantee cannot be applied.
  • If you intend to invest your own capital, and as long as all other requirements are met, the Guarantee can be activated for up to 15% of the transaction value.
  • The young applicants are fully responsible for repaying the mortgage loan granted. This measure allows banks to finance above the standard limit of 90%.
  • Loan approval will depend on the young applicant’s financial capacity to pay the mortgage installments resulting from the loan granted.

ZEROS that matter when buying a home1​​​

Exemption of dossier fees (€290 + IS), evaluation (€230 + IS) and formalization (€200 + IS) Total exemption amount €748.80

Campaign valid for approved loans until 31/03/2025 and for loans contracted until 30/04/2025.

Conditions valid exclusively for young people aged 18 to 35 (based on the oldest applicant) for the purpose of acquiring their own home and permanent residence, with optional associated sales*.

Credit Transfer operations, or proposals under any special legal or contractual regimes, namely subsidized ones, as well as credit recovery and/or restructuring operations, are excluded.

SPREAD 0 for 24 months1

TAEG 4,8% | TAEG 4,0% with associated optional sales*

*Requires the possession of the following products:​

• Salary domiciliation in an ActivoBank Current Account associated with the loan;​

And additionally fulfills three of the five conditions:​

• Credit Card of Banco ActivoBank, (transactions of payments of purchases and services with the minimum use of €100/month with checks every six months of the accumulated value) - TAEG 17,9%**;

• Personal Loan at Banco ActivoBank, where borrowers are first holders with a minimum outstanding balance of €1.000;​

• Domiciliation of 2 monthly payments in the Account associated to the financing at Banco ActivoBank, as payments of utilities (electricity, water, gas, communication);​

• Life Insurance linked to the Loan at Ocidental Vida***;

• Multirisk Home Insurance linked to the Loan, commercialized by Ageas Portugal under the Ocidental brand ***

The Loan operation must have approval until 31/03/2025, contracted by 30/04/2025 with associated optional sales and an ActivoBank Current Account.

Home Loan Simulator

Simulating doesn't cost a thing


What do you get out of it?

Whatever the rate, you always benefit.​

Every month, you will be able to see the value of this benefit on the statement of the Account associated with the loan, regardless of the type of rate you choose.

Loan with Variable Rate

During the first 2 years, the installment you paywill have the interest corresponding to the contracted spread deducted.​

Loan with Blended Rate

During the first 2 years, the installment you pay will have the interest corresponding to the contracted spread for the variable rate period deducted.​​

Loan with Fixed Rate

During the first 2 years, the installment you pay will have the interest corresponding to a 0.85% rate deducted.​

When you think about a Home Loan analysis, do you think about how long it will take?​​ Simplify.​​​

3 questions and an immediate pre-assessment on the App​


Provide your monthly income


Confirm that you have no incidents with Banco de Portugal


Let us know if you already have other Loans

Simulate and try the pre-assessment for a Home Loan on the ActivoBank App, and find out today if your case can be approved

Simulate Home Loan

Home Loan Solutions

Whatever the situation, we have the solution

We have space for everyone

Home Loan Transfer

If your Credit wants to move house, know our preferred conditions.

TAEG 4,8% | 3,9% with associated optional sales*

See more

House Moving Solution

If you want to move house, we'll move with you.

TAEG 4,8% | 4,1% with associated optional sales*

See more

Green Home Loan

Is your future home eco-friendly?​ We have green solutions.

TAEG 4,8% | 4,1% with associated optional sales*

See more

Know how much you can ask for

Use our new calculator and in just 4 steps you will know the value of the house you can choose.


Home Loan Process's Map, from A to B

Learn, step by step, the stages of the house buying process

For more details, see the full version of this Home Loan Process's Map
and a Detailed guide on how to request a loan.

Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

Are there any mandatory insurances?

There are 2 insurances that the Bank demands whenever financing for house is requested, Life insurance and Multirisk insurance.

Life insurance ensures the payment in case of death or permanent invalidity of the insured person. Multirisk insurance ensures that the property, besides the fire coverage (mandatory by law for all houses in regime of horizontal property,for the autonomous fraction as well as for the corresponding share of common areas), has a wide range of aditional coverages that ensure a bigger safety level to the property and to the insured person (examples: Flooding, plumbing malfunction, theft, civil responsability, amongst others).

What is TAEG? And MTIC?

TAEG (Annual Percentage Rate) is the total cost of the Loan, paid by the consumer, expressed as an annual percentage of the granted loan's amount. When calculating the TAEG, expenses of collection of refunds and interest payment are included,as well as the remaing charges to bear (taxes, fees and mandatory insurances).

TAEG can be used to compare Loan proposals. For Loan proposals with the same amount, term, and refund modality, the proposal with the lowest TAEG is the cheapest for the Client. It includes interest + fees + expense+ taxes + insurances.

MTIC (total amount charged to the consumer) its the sum of the total amount of the Loan with the associated costs (interest, fees, taxes and other charges).

Take note that for Loans the tax is variable, MTIC is merely indicative as the interes rate of these Loans can vary with time, according to the fluctuation of the indexed used. (EURIBOR).

What is the FINE (ESIS)?

The FINE (European Standardized Information Sheet) is a document issued by the Bank where all the conditions of the loan are written and that allows you to make comparative analysis and make a conscious and responsible decision before formalizing and signing the contract.

Which are the steps to formalize a Home Loan process?

There are 7 steps. First "Smulation", then "Proposal" followed by "Property Evaluation". Then you will have the "Analysis", which should be conscious and responsible. Afterwards there will be the emission of the "Approval letter", the "Gathering of documentation" and, last but not least, the "Deed".

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Spread Zero for the first 24 months;
Exemption of Initial Commissions: dossier fee €290 + IS, formalization fee €200 + IS and evaluation fee €230 + IS. Total exemption amount €748.80;​
Rates: Variable; Blended Rate – Fixed rate for the first 2, 3, 5 or 10 years, followed by a variable rate indexed to Euriborr; Fixed Rate from 5 to 30 years. ​

**Visa Classic Credit Card
TAEG 17,9%
| 17,400% for a € 1.500 credit, paid over 12 equal monthly repayments, plus interests and expenses. Without provision fee. Request subject to credit risk analysis. ​

Representative example:

1- Example for a 30-year-old consumer – €100.000 financing; appraised value €100.000; secured by a mortgage on the property; Term 30 years; Product Indexed Settlement Acquisition; initial commissions €748.80; Contract expenses €495,62; Loan opening Stamp Duty €600; Multirisk Insurance €17,55 per month.

TAEG without optional associated sales 4,8% - variable TAN 4,025% (Euribor 12 months of january 2025 of 2,525% e hired spread of 1,50%); Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €13,99; 360 monthly payments of €478,86 – Total Amount Payable by the Consumer of €185.589,19.

TAEG with associated optional sales* 4,0%  - variable TAN 3,325% (Euribor 12 months of january 2025 of 2,525% e hired spread of 0,80%); Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €13,25; 360 monthly payments of €439,33 – Total Amount Payable by the Consumer of €170.379,00. ​

*Optional associated sales, entails the holding of the following products:
• Salary domiciliation on the ActivoBank Current Account associated with the Loan;
It additionally fulfills three of the five conditions:​
• Credit Card of Banco ActivoBank (transactions of payments of purchases and services with the minimum use of €100/month with checks every six months of the accumulated value) - TAEG 17,9%**;
• Personal Loan at Banco ActivoBank, where borrowers are first holders with a minimum outstanding balance of €1.000;​
• Domiciliation of 2 monthly payments in the Account associated to the financing at Banco ActivoBank, as payments of utilities (electricity, water, gas, communication);
• Life Insurance linked to the Loan at Ocidental Vida ***;
• Multirisk Home Insurance linked to the Loan, commercialized by Ageas Portugal under the Ocidental brand***

And you also benefit from the following advantages: • Exemption of dossier fees (€290 + IS), evaluation fees (€230 + IS), and formalization fees (€200 + IS) – total exemption amount of €748.80.​ Conditions are valid exclusively for young people aged 18 to 35 (based on the age of the oldest applicant) for the purpose of acquiring a permanent own house, with optional associated sales. Operations under any special legal or contractual regimes, namely subsidized ones, as well as credit recovery and/or restructuring operations, are excluded.​

Conditions are valid for new proposals approved until 31/03/2025, and contracts signed by 30/04/2025.

Representative example:

2- Example for a 30-year-old consumer – €100.000 financing, with mortgage; appraised value €150.000; 30 year term. Product Indexed Settlement, purpose Acquisition, initial Fees (Dossier Fee, Formalization and Evaluation) €748.80; Contract expenses €495,62; Loan opening Stamp Duty €600; Multirisk Insurance Prize with monthly payments of €17,55.​

Subject to credit risk analysis.

TAEG without associated optional sales 4,8% - variable TAN 4,025 % (Euribor 12 months of january 2025 of 2,525% e hired spread of 1,50%); Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €13,99; 360 monthly payments of €478,86 – Total Amount Payable by the Consumer of €185.589,19.

TAEG with associated optional sales* 4,1% - variable TAN 3,325% (Euribor 12 months of january 2025 of 2,525% e hired spread of 0,80%); Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €13,42 ; 360 monthly payments of €439,33 – Total Amount Payable by the Consumer of €171.154,03.

*Entails the holding of the following products:​
• Salary domiciliation on the Account associated with the Loan;

It additionally fulfills three of the five conditions:
• Credit Card of Banco ActivoBank (transactions of payments of purchases and services with the minimum use of €100/month with checks every six months of the accumulated value) - TAEG 17,9%**;
• Personal Loan at Banco ActivoBank, where borrowers are first holders with a minimum outstanding balance of €1.000;
• Domiciliation of 2 monthly payments in the Account associated to the financing at Banco ActivoBank, as payments of utilities (electricity, water, gas, communication);​​
• Life Insurance linked to the Loan at Ocidental Vida***;​
• Multirisk Home Insurance linked to the Loan, commercialized by Ageas Portugal under the Ocidental brand***;​

Representative example:

3- Example for a 30-year-old consumer - Financing of 100 thousand Euros, with mortgage; appraised value 150 thousand Euros; term of 30 years. Fixed Rate Product 30 years, purpose Acquisition. Initial commissions (Dossier Commission, Formalization and Evaluation) €748,80; Contract expenses €495,62; Stamp duty of Loan opening €600; Multirisk Insurance premium, with monthly payments of €17,55.

Subject to Credit Risk Analysis.

TAEG without optional associated sales 5,1% - calculated based on a fixed TAN of 4,400% for the entire term of the loan. Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €14,30; 360 monthly instalments of €500,76; Total Amount Imputed to the Consumer of €192.414,43.

TAEG with optional associated sales* 4,5% - calculated based on a fixed TAN of 3,700% for the entire term of the loan. Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €13,73; 360 monthly instalments of €460,28; Total Amount Imputed to the Consumer of €178.806,65.

*Entails the holding of the following products:
• Salary domiciliation on the Account associated with the Loan;

It additionally fulfills three of the five conditions:
• Credit Card of Banco ActivoBank (transactions of payments of purchases and services with the minimum use of €100/month with checks every six months of the accumulated value) - TAEG 17,9%**;
• Personal Loan at Banco ActivoBank, where borrowers are first holders with a minimum outstanding balance of €1.000;​
• Domiciliation of 2 monthly payments in the Account associated to the financing at Banco ActivoBank, as payments of utilities (electricity, water, gas, communication);
• Life Insurance linked to the Loan at Ocidental Vida***;​​
• Multirisk Home Insurance linked to the Loan, commercialized by Ageas Portugal under the Ocidental brand***;​

Representative example:

4- Example for a 30-year-old consumer - Financing of 100 thousand Euros, with mortgage; appraised value 150 thousand Euros; term of 30 years. Product Mixed Rate, purpose Acquisition. Initial commissions (Dossier Commission, Formalization and Evaluation) €748,80; Contract expenses €495,62; Stamp duty of Loan opening €600; Multirisk Insurance premium, with monthly payments of €17,55.​

Subject to credit risk analysis.

TAEG without optional associated sales 4,7% - calculated based on a fixed TAN of 3,850 % for the first 60 months and variable TAN of 4,025 (Euribor 12 months of january 2025 of 2,525% and base spread of 1,50%) for the remaining period. Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €13,96; 60 first monthly instalments of €468,81; 300 subsequent monthly instalments of €477,50; Total Amount Imputed to the Consumer of €184.565,59.

TAEG with optional associated sales* 4,0% - calculated based on a fixed TAN of 3,150% for the first 60 months and variable TAN of 3,325% (Euribor 12 months of january 2025 of 2,525% and contracted spread of 0,80%) for the remaining period. Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €13,38; 60 first monthly instalments of €429,74; 300 subsequent monthly instalments of €437,97; Total Amount Imputed to the Consumer of €170.155,40.

*Entails the holding of the following products:
• Salary domiciliation on the Account associated with the Loan;​

It additionally fulfills three of the five conditions:
• Credit Card of Banco ActivoBank (transactions of payments of purchases and services with the minimum use of €100/month with checks every six months of the accumulated value) - TAEG 17,9%**;
• Personal Loan at Banco ActivoBank, where borrowers are first holders with a minimum outstanding balance of €1.000;​
• Domiciliation of 2 monthly payments in the Account associated to the financing at Banco ActivoBank, as payments of utilities (electricity, water, gas, communication);​​
• Life Insurance linked to the Loan at Ocidental Vida***;​​
• Multirisk Home Insurance linked to the Loan, commercialized by Ageas Portugal under the Ocidental brand***;​

Representative example:

5- Example for a 30-year-old consumer – €100.000 financing, with mortgage; appraised value €150.000; 30-year term. “Credit for persons with disabilities” product, purpose Acquisition, Initial commissions (Dossier Commission, Formalization and Evaluation) 748,80€; Contract expenses €495,62; Stamp duty of Credit opening 600€; Multirisk Insurance premium, with monthly payments of €17,55.​

Subject to credit risk analysis.

TAEG 2,7% - TAN 2,188% (65% European Central Bank refinancing rate); 360 monthly payments of €379,09 –Total Amount Payable by the Consumer of €144 663,62.

Banco ActivoBank, S.A. is a BCP housing loan bound intermediary in exclusive basis. The granting of credit is subject to the macro-prudential rules of Banco de Portugal. The applied interest rate (TAN) can take on negative values according to the evolution of the corresponding indexed.​

You must read the pre-contractual and contractual information, as required by law.
Ocidental brand insurance commercialized by Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. and Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros, S.A.

Banco ActivoBank, S.A., Office: Rua Augusta, 84 Lisboa, Share Capital 127.600.000,00 Euros, registered with this same number in the Lisbon Trade Registry, Single registration and TIN. 500 734 305. Insurance agent registered under nr. 419501226, with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority – Registration Date: 21/01/2019. Authorization for the brokerage distribution of the life and non-life insurance. For information and further registration details can be checked on the ASF website.

The Insurance Intermediary is not authorized to sign insurance contracts on behalf of the Insurer or receive any insurance premiums payable to the Insurer. The Insurance Intermediary does not assume liability regarding any risks covered by the insurance contract, which shall be fully assumed by the Insurer.

Personal Data Protection and Insurance Mediation

ActivoBank, as insurance intermediary, carries out its business of distribuing insurance to the Insurance Company Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. (Non-Life Branch) and to the Insurance Company Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (Life Branch).

In order to carry out this simulation, it may be necessary to proceed with the collection of personal data (such as identification and contact details, among others that may be necessary) to be transmitted to:

Life Branch:


Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. – Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisboa. Legal Person nr. 501 836 926, and registered under this number at Lisboa Trade Register, with share capital of 22.375.000 Euros. Register ASF 1024. Information and further registration details can be checked on the ASF website. Offices: Edifício Campo Alegre, Rua Gonçalo Sampaio 39, 4169-001 Porto.

Non Life Branch:

Ageas Portugal – Companhia de Seguros, S.A. Head office at Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisboa. Legal person number 503 454 109. CRC Porto. Share capital of € 7.500.000. ASF Register 1129. Information and further registration details can be checked on the ASF website.

Home loan granted by Banco Comercial Português, S.A.