
Insurance Pétis

Our App is


Pets deserve all the love but don’t forget about protection

Veterinary and medical assistance

Protects cats and dogs in case of disease or accident and provides the reimbursement of medical expenses, surgical interventions and castration or sterilization.

Civil liability

Ensures the payment of possible damages caused by your pet.

Choose your vet

You can take your pet to any veterinary in Portugal for assistance or take advantage of special prices and offers in the Pétis network of providers, as well as the optional vaccine coverage.​

Pétis Ecosystem

Access up-to-date information about your insurance and track the status of your reimbursements, online.

Coverages Base Plus Platina Premium

Civil liability

Deductible: 10% damages, min. 150€ max. 500€

Veterinary care and medicine

Deductible: 10% of the amount, min. 25€

Deductible: 10% of the amount, min. 25€

Deductible: 10% of the amount, min. 25€















Defesa jurídica

500€ per accident and year

Pet search

500€ per year

Animal care

No limit (max. 5 days)

Tracking a missing animal

500€ per year

Informações diversas

No limit

Funeral services

No limit

Hunting add-on

Optional (house pets)

Territorial care add-on

Optional (house pets and dangerous dog breeds)

Competitions and shows add-on

Optional (house pets)

Territorial add-on of Civil Liability - Spain

Optional (house pets)

The capitals of the coverages are per insured animal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

What is the minimum age to hire the Pétis Insurance?

You can hire Pétis since the birth of your pet. For pets aged less than 4 weeks old, only the option BASE is available. For animals older than 4 weeks and up to 7 years old, the options available are BASE, PLUS, PLATINA and PREMIUM. For animals aged between 7 and 10 years old, the option available is BASE.

Are there any waiting periods with Pétis Insurance?

You have a waiting period of 90 days for the Veterinary and Medical Assistance coverage in case of disease.The remaining coverages do not have any waiting periods and are ensured since the start date of the contract.

Can I ensure any animal with Pétis Insurance?

Pétis is exclusive for cats and dogs. To hire the insurance, animals must:

  • Be proprly identified:
  • Dogs: Identification Chip or License, that shows the name, gender, age, race, height, fur and distinguinshing marks;
  • Cats: Vaccination bulletin, Identification card or License, that shows the name, gender, age, race, height, fur and distinguinshing marks;
  • Be in good health, without any physical disability or wounds;
  • Have an updated vacination bulletin;
  • Not have a record of damages caused to third parties.

Are there any conditions or characteristics that inhibit the Insurance of an animal?

Any cat or dog can be ensured with Pétis. However, some reasons may prevent the immediate hiring and a previous analysis might be necessary. Namely if the animal:

  • Is a potentially dangerous breed or descends of another animal with a potentially dangerous breed;
  • Has health problems;
  • Doesn’t have an updated vaccination bulletin;
  • Has an injury or disability;
  • Has a record of damages caused to third parties;
  • Isn’t a property of the holder, of a minor descendant, of his partner or of someone who lives with the holder of the insurance in non-marital partnership.

The acceptance is prohibited if the animal is considered dangerous by the authorities.

What is a potentially dangerous dog breed?

It is considered potentially dangerous any animal that, due to his breed's characteristics, agressive behaviour, jaw size or strenght, can cause lesions or death to people or other animals. The following, or any breed crossing involving these, are considered dangerous:

  • Brazillian Fila dog
  • Argentine Dogo
  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • Rottweiler
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier;
  • Tosa inu.

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Pub. This information does not dispense with the reading of the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.
Insurance Agent: Banco ActivoBank, S.A., Office: Rua Augusta, 84 Lisboa, Share Capital 127.600.000 Euros, registered with this same number in the Lisbon Trade Registry, Single registration and TIN. 500 734 305. Insurance Agent registered under nr. 419501226, with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority - Registration Date: 21/01/2019. Authorization for the brokerage distribution of the Life and non-Life insurance. For information and further registration details, please visit the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority Website. The Insurance Agent is not authorized to sign insurance contracts on behalf of the Insurer or receive any insurance premiums payable to the Insurer. The Insurance Agent does not assume liability regarding any risks covered by the insurance contract, which shall be fully assumed by the Insurer.
Logo Ocidental
Ageas Portugal – Companhia de Seguros, S.A. Head office at Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisboa. Legal person number 503 454 109. CRC Porto. Share capital of € 7.500.000. ASF Register 1129, www.asf.com.pt

Personal Data Protection and Insurance Mediation
ActivoBank, as insurance intermediary, carries out its business of distribuing insurance to the Insurance Company Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. (Non-Life Branch) and to the Insurance Company Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (Life Branch). In order to carry out this simulation, it may be necessary to proceed with the collection of personal data (such as identification and contact details, among others that may be necessary) to be transmitted to the Insurance Company.