Advance your salary in a
quick and 100% digital way​

Advance a worry-free end of the year​

Salary Advance Credit

TAEG 12,6% | TAN 11,500%

It is an authorized overdraft facility​​​

Subscription valid for salary domiciliation ≥ €750​​​

Advance Salary

Subject to Credit decision.

You no longer have to give up on what you had planned

Pay the unexpected expenses

Get that treatment in the dentist

Replace your refrigerator at home

Advance the weekend for a well-deserved rest

Something unexpected? Advance your Salary

TAEG 12,6% | TAN 11,500%

You can advance up to 100% of your Salary and receive it on the first day of the month

With the advance, you will get an extra amount available when you need it, up to a maximum of €5.000​

Advance Salary