
Better safe than sorry

The Gadget Insurance will protect your equipments from accidental damages


Safety isn't just a PIN code

Wide protection

You can protect your Smarthphone, Tablet, Smartwatch or Macbook.

Diverse coverages

In case of theft, spilling of liquid substances, accidental break, short-circuit and ther electric occurences.


In case of accident you just have to pay a deductible of 10% of the recoverable losses.(1)

Annual prizes

Protect your devices up to €1.500 with accessible prizes, from €35 per year.

Annual prizes table
Capital equal or lower than €500 35€
Capital over €500 equal or lower than €700 45€
Capital over €700 equal or lower than €1.000 55€
Capital over €1.000 equal or lower than €1.500 70€

On the first prize receipt there is a an added policy cost of €5,65 (includes legal charges).

Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

Can the insured capital of the Gadget Insurance be higher or lower than the value stated on the receipt?

The insured capital can be higher when the value of purchase does not match the value as a new device applied by commercial campaings, points swap or other commercial initiatives from the selling company. The documents must state these situations. The insured capital can't be lower than the one stated in the receipt. In both cases, is should be stated that the value to be insured must correspond to the replacement value of the insured device for another device that is new and identical.

With the Gadget Insuance what should I do in case of accident?

In case of accident you must present the insured equiment to the Insurer or to the repective selected entity.

In case of theft you must report the situation to the policy and then, present to the Insurer the repective record of complaint.

Can I include more than one devicer per policy on the Gadget Insurance?

No. A policy should be made for each device.

What is the deadline to subscribe the policy of the Gadget Insurance?

Tyou have 30 days from the date of the purchase to subscribe the policy.

The device was purchased abroad and the receipt isn't in euros. Can I subscribe the Gadget Insurance?

As long as the receipt describes the device correctly, an exchange value can be made in euros up to the maxiumum value attributed to the device by the national market.

How can I simulate or subscribe Gadget Insurance?

To simulate or to subscribe the Gadget Insurance visit an Activo Branch.

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(1) with a minimum of €50

Pub. This information does not dispense with the reading of the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.
Insurance Agent: Banco ActivoBank, S.A., Office: Rua Augusta, 84 Lisboa, Share Capital 127.600.000 Euros, registered with this same number in the Lisbon Trade Registry, Single registration and TIN. 500 734 305. Insurance Agent registered under nr. 419501226, with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority - Registration Date: 21/01/2019. Authorization for the brokerage distribution of the Life and non-Life insurance. For information and further registration details, please visit the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority Website. The Insurance Agent is not authorized to sign insurance contracts on behalf of the Insurer or receive any insurance premiums payable to the Insurer. The Insurance Agent does not assume liability regarding any risks covered by the insurance contract, which shall be fully assumed by the Insurer.
Logo Ocidental
Ageas Portugal – Companhia de Seguros, S.A. Head office at Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisboa. Legal person number 503 454 109. CRC Porto. Share capital of € 7.500.000. ASF Register 1129,

Personal Data Protection and Insurance Mediation
ActivoBank, as insurance intermediary, carries out its business of distribuing insurance to the Insurance Company Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. (Non-Life Branch) and to the Insurance Company Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (Life Branch). In order to carry out this simulation, it may be necessary to proceed with the collection of personal data (such as identification and contact details, among others that may be necessary) to be transmitted to the Insurance Company.