Ordenado Activo is a set of advantages related to a Current Account where a salary or pension is paid via Direct Debit. It’s available to Clients with a salary or pension paid via Direct Debit – credited through a properly codified bank transfer on the origin with the ISO code: “SALA” (08) ou “PENS” (11) – with a net value of 750€ or more per month. Clients with incidents or under 18 years of age are excluded.
You just need to send the NIB of your ActivoBank Account to your employer or, in case of retirement, to the social security so that your salary or pension/pension is transferred to this Account.
The NIB/IBAN proof can be found in the App, after logging in, under Current Account > View Details > Details. You can also do this on the Website, after logging in, under Other Transactions > Account Information.
The Salary Advance or Overdraft is an option that allows you to have up to 100% of your salary or pension/pension from the first day of each month. It allows you to have more liquidity for your daily life or for unexpected expenses at preferential conditions. It also allows you more liquidity in your daily life or to face unexpected expenses, with favorable terms.
When you contract for a salary advance, this option is available to you if you choose to use it. If you do not use it, there is no cost to you. If you do use it, you will be charged interest at the current rate – check the price list.
The salary advance contract is subject to a credit decision.
The Salary Advance is available on the first day of each month, with a maximum amount equal to the monthly average of the values credited to the Current Account as salary/pension (properly codified) in the previous two months, not exceeding the maximum contracted amount.
It's very simple! Just send your IBAN to your employer and request to receive your salary in your ActivoBank Account. To make it simpler, we have prepared a proposal for this request in the ActivoBank App (For you > Ordenado Activo > Salary Domiciliation), which you can edit as you wish and send in a quick and simple way.
The amount of the Salary Advance is only available if a transfer of salary/pension (properly codified) is verified. If there have been no salary or pension transfers in the previous two months, the value of the first advance is 50% of the value of the previous month, not exceeding the maximum contracted amount.
If there is a month in which the transfer of a salary to the Account is not verified, even if this is due to a delay in the transfer of the salary or retirement/retirement, the amount made available on the 1st of the following day will only be equal to 75% of the average of the previous two months and may not exceed the maximum amount stipulated in the contract.
If for two consecutive months the properly codified processing of salary or pension transfers is not verified, you will no longer have access to salary or pension advances.
Interest is calculated daily on the entire outstanding and utilized capital, taking as basis a year with 360 days and the actual number of days in each month.
The amounts owed will also be subject to taxes demandable under the law and regulations in force at each moment. Currently, stamp duty is added to the interest provided in funding 17.3.1. of TGIS, right now at 4%.
Interest will be paid monthly in arrears, due on the first day of each month of the calendar year.