Salary Domicile: Activo Salary

Being ZEN means having up to €300 for receiving your Salary at ActivoBank

Domicile your Salary for 3 consecutive months and activate two direct debits

Salary Get

≥ €900 net

€150 gross

≥ €2.000 net

€300 gross


Open Account online

The trick to being ZEN?
It’s simple.

With the Salary at ActivoBank you get up to €300

If you domicilie a Salary of €900 net or more, you can get €150 gross

If you domicilie a Salary of €2,000 net or more, you can get €300 gross

Do you feel calm yet?

To get up to €300 gross1 in your Account until June 2025, you just need to:

Not have had your salary deposited into ActivoBank in 2024

Domicile a Salary from €900 net in an ActivoBank Account where you are the first holder, between 1/1 and 31/3 of 2025

Request access to the Campaign through the banner provided in the 'For You' area, between the 10th and 20th of the month following the 1st domiciliation

Domicile your Salary for 3 consecutive months and activate two direct debits in that Account

Being ZEN has never been so simple​

Once you have fulfilled the conditions and process steps, all you need to do is activate the offer in this banner, available in the App, in the "For You" section, which will be available in the month following the 1st domiciliation, and follow the steps.

The Salary Account that gives you access to many benefits:​

Salary Advance Loan2

TAEG 12,6% | TAN 11,500%

TAEG 0,0% | TAN 0,000%

Valid for uses ≥ €200, from 01/01 to 31/03/2025

Salary Advance Loan2

You can advance up to 100% of your salary, on the first day of the month.​

Advance Salary​

New AB Salary Deposit3

TANB of 2,75% (TANL: 1,98%)

New AB Salary Deposit3

Term: 90 days, automatically renewable under the current conditions of the Standard Deposit (see price list) | Maximum in savings: €100,000 | Set-up maximum per deposit €100,000 | Minimum amount of setting-up per deposit: €100 | Reinforcements are not allowed.

Set up Savings​

Poupança Ordenado AB4

TANB DE 2,50% (TANL DE 1,80%)

Poupança Ordenado AB4

Prazo: 30 dias, automaticamente renovável à taxa em vigor do Depósito Standard (ver preçário) | Máximo na poupança: 100.000€ | Montante máximo de reforço: 10.000 € por mês | Mínimo de constituição/manutenção/reforço: 25€ | Juros: Mensais. Permite capitalização de juros.

Constitua a sua Poupança

More benefits

You can enjoy even more benefits for being an ActivoBank Client​

Simple Account​

Account maintenence fee at 0€

Classic Credit Card4

Provision Fee at 0€​
TAEG 17,9%, TAN 17,400%​

MB Way

Use fee at 0€


1st Stock Market Order at 0€, every month​

You still don't receive your salary with us?
It's time to change that​

Dar Créditos

In February, for each domiciled salary equal to or greater than €900, we will donate €1, up to a limit of €3.000, to support Associação de Defesa do Património Cultural e Ambiental do Algarve

Logo Associação Logo ProActivo

Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

What is Ordenado Activo?

Ordenado Activo is a set of advantages related to a Current Account where a salary or pension is paid via Direct Debit.  It’s available to Clients with a salary or pension paid via Direct Debit – credited through a properly codified bank transfer on the origin with the ISO code: “SALA” (08) ou “PENS” (11) – with a net value of 750€ or more per month. Clients with incidents or under 18 years of age are excluded.  

How can I receive my salary or pension in ActivoBank?

You just need to send the NIB of your ActivoBank Account to your employer or, in case of retirement, to the social security so that your salary or pension/pension is transferred to this Account.
The NIB/IBAN proof can be found in the App, after logging in, under Current Account > View Details > Details. You can also do this on the Website, after logging in, under Other Transactions > Account Information.  

What is the salary advance?

The Salary Advance or Overdraft is an option that allows you to have up to 100% of your salary or pension/pension from the first day of each month. It allows you to have more liquidity for your daily life or for unexpected expenses at preferential conditions. It also allows you more liquidity in your daily life or to face unexpected expenses, with favorable terms. 
When you contract for a salary advance, this option is available to you if you choose to use it. If you do not use it, there is no cost to you. If you do use it, you will be charged interest at the current rate – check the price list.  
The salary advance contract is subject to a credit decision.

When is the Salary Advance available and what’s the amount? 

The Salary Advance is available on the first day of each month, with a maximum amount equal to the monthly average of the values credited to the Current Account as salary/pension (properly codified) in the previous two months, not exceeding the maximum contracted amount. 

How do I receive my salary in ActivoBank?

It's very simple! Just send your IBAN to your employer and request to receive your salary in your ActivoBank Account. To make it simpler, we have prepared a proposal for this request in the ActivoBank App (For you > Ordenado Activo > Salary Domiciliation), which you can edit as you wish and send in a quick and simple way.

How does the release of Salary Advance’s amount work in the first month? 

The amount of the Salary Advance is only available if a transfer of salary/pension (properly codified) is verified.  If there have been no salary or pension transfers in the previous two months, the value of the first advance is 50% of the value of the previous month, not exceeding the maximum contracted amount.  

What happens if there is a month in which there is no salary or pension transfer?

If there is a month in which the transfer of a salary to the Account is not verified, even if this is due to a delay in the transfer of the salary or retirement/retirement, the amount made available on the 1st of the following day will only be equal to 75% of the average of the previous two months and may not exceed the maximum amount stipulated in the contract.

Why do I no longer have access to the Active Salary?

If for two consecutive months the properly codified processing of salary or pension transfers is not verified, you will no longer have access to salary or pension advances.

How is the interest calculated and charged?  

Interest is calculated daily on the entire outstanding and utilized capital, taking as basis a year with 360 days and the actual number of days in each month.  The amounts owed will also be subject to taxes demandable under the law and regulations in force at each moment. Currently, stamp duty is added to the interest provided in funding 17.3.1. of TGIS, right now at 4%.   Interest will be paid monthly in arrears, due on the first day of each month of the calendar year. 

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Clarify your doubts!


Activo Salary


Consult here more information about the Activo Salary

1- Activo Salary - Conditions for campaign access:​

1. Domicile your 1st salary of ≥€900 or €2000 net for 3 consecutive months into your Account as the primary holder;​
2. Set up 2 direct debits on your Account;​
3. Request access to the Campaign through the banner provided, after assessment in the ActivoBank App, in the 'For You' area, between the 10th and 20th of the month following the 1st domiciliation. The deadline for campaign registration is April 20, 2025 (inclusive).​

The credited amount is a taxable income under the terms of article 5, no. 1 of the Código de Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares (Cód. IRS) and subject to withholding at the flat rate of 28%, unless opting for aggregation. The total gross benefit amount will be, at most, €300 with €84 of IRS withheld at source.


Reading the campaign regulations at is essential.​​

Check here the campaign conditions​

2- Salary Advance Loan:
TAEG 12,6%
| TAN 11,500%
It is an easy-to-use overdraft facility that allows you to access up to 100% of your salary in advance, on the first day of each month. For example, if you use an amount of €1,500 for 90 days at an interest rate of 11.500%, the interest will be €43.14, plus Stamp Duty on the interest of €1.74, corresponding to an annual percentage rate (APR) of 12.6%. Exemption from Stamp Duty applies for the use of the credit up to the amount of the monthly salary credited to the Account. The subscription can only be made for salaries domiciled with a value of €750 or more. Subject to Credit decision.​​​​​

Exclusive for Individual Clients with a Current Account with a salary or pension domiciled at Banco ActivoBank, S.A.

3- New AB Salary Deposit​
GNAR 2,75%
| NNAR 1,98% | For new domiciliations from 1/1/2025 | Term 90 days, automatically renewable under the current conditions of the Standard Deposit (see price list) | Minimum amount of setting-up per Deposit: €100 | Set-up maximum per Deposit: 100.000€ | Reinforcements are not allowed​| Early mobilization allowed, partial or total, at any moment during the duration of the Term Deposit, with a penalty of 100% applied to the interest on the amount withdrawn.​​

4- Salary Savings AB
Savings exclusive for Individual Customers with a Current Account with a salary or pension domiciled in the last 60 days at Banco ActivoBank, S.A.
Partial or total early withdrawal is allowed at any time during the term of the term deposit, with a penalty of 100% applied to the interest accrued on the mobilized amount for the respective period that has not been paid.
Whenever, in the interest counting period (30 days) prior to the withdrawal, the Client receives their salary or pension in the current Account associated with this deposit, the base interest rate TANB is 2.50%, which corresponds to a TANL of 1.80%. Otherwise, the interest rate is 0%.​​
Loan installments constitute regular expenses in the household budget of bank customers. It is essential for the bank customer to consider in advance whether they have the financial capacity to ensure the payment of installments resulting from the loans they intend to contract. For more information on family budget management, please refer to the "Todos Contam" portal at The granting of the loan is subject to the macroprudential rules of the Bank of Portugal.​
*Assumes possession of the following product: Domiciliation of salary or pension amounting to €750 net in the Account associated with the loan.

5- Classic Credit Card
TAEG 17,9%,
TAN 17,400% for a Credit limit of 1.500€ paid in 12 equal monthly installments of capital plus interest and charges. No provision fee. Request subject to Credit risk analysis.​

Campaign Regulation| January - March

Campaign Regulation| May - June

Campaign Regulation| September - October

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