Insurance à la carte​ in the App ActivoBank

Móbis, with exemption on the 1st monthly fee, in the 1st annual fee.

Simple and easy

Valid from 1/1 to 31/3/25 for App subscriptions


Advantages that run smoothly

24h assistance

Towing, tire substitution, lack of fuel, loss of keys, hotel stay expenses and a lot more!

Replacement car

If you have an accident or a breakdown, Móbis will give you a replacement car from the same range as yours.

Crash, collision or rollover coverage

When using the Rede de Oficinas Recomendadas, the amount you pay for the insurance won't aggravate with the first accident.


Three protection levels at your disposal

Coverages Móbis Mini Móbis Extra Móbis Top

Civil liability


7.750.000€ or 50.000.000€

7.750.000€ or 50.000.000€

Road assistance (km zero)

Base Included

Base or Total Included

Option Base or Option Total

Legal protection

Vehicle Occupants (Death or Permanent Disability/Treatment Expenses)


10.000€ / 1.000€ or 15.000€ / 1.500€ or 25.000€ / 2.500€

10.000€ / 1.000€ or 15.000€ / 1.500€ or 25.000€ / 2.500€

10.000€ / 1.000€ or 15.000€ / 1.500€ or 25.000€ / 2.500€

One-off Breakage of Glass


750€,1.000€,1.500€ or 2.500€

Deductible: without deductible, 25€, 50€ or 75€


750€, 1.000€, 1.500€ or 2.500€

Deductible: without deductible, 25€, 50€ or 75€

Crash, Collision or Rollover

Deductible: 0%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 12% or 20% over the value of the vehicle and possible extras.

Network Recommended Workshops or Option Total

Deductible: 0%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 12% or 20% over the value of the vehicle and possible extras.

Fire, Lightning Strike or Explosion


Deductible: 2% over the insured capital

Deductible: 2% over the insured capital

Theft or robbery


The capital of the coverages is per Insured Person.

Optional coverages Móbis Mini Móbis Extra Móbis Top

Nature Phenomena

Deductible: 2% over the insured capital


Deductible: 2% over the insured capital


Deductible: 2% over the insured capital

Acts of vandalism

Deductible: 2% over the insured capital

Deductible: 2% over the insured capital


Deductible: 2% over the insured capital

Replacement Vehicle - accident



Replacement Vehicle - breakdown




Deductible : 20% over the value of the damages. Minimum of 50€

Deductible : 20% over the value of the damages. Minimum of 50€

Optional 500€

Deductible : 20% over the value of the damages. Minimum of 50€

Assistance services

For all options of the Móbis Insurance you have 3 Assistance Packs of additional subscription, that guarantee:

Relax Pack

Warranties Limits

Assistance filling the friendly declaration of accident (DAAA)

3 requests/year

Check auto

(free and Annual Check oil levels, lights, braking system and tire pressure)

1 request/year

Jockey service

(transport and return of the respective vehicle for inspection and / or maintenance)

1 request/year IPO (1) + 1 request/year for maintenance

Bike protection

(repair of the bike in case of accident or breakdown)

Covers accident costs up to 200€/year and 150€/year in case of breakdown (deductible of 10% with a minimum of 10€) Transportation up to 30km

Vintage Pack

Warranties Limits

Safe taxi

(from his/her home to the airport, train station or bus station)

2 requests/year

Assistance filling the friendly declaration of accident (DAAA)

3 requests/year

Replacement vehicle

(when the vehicle is in a workshop for preventative maintenance)

Max. 1 day and 1 request/year – class b vehicle

Auto line

(service of analysis and validation of repair budgets for the vehicle in case of breakage)

2 requests/year

Prestige Pack

Warranties Limits

Auto Wash

(external washing service in Network Recommended Workshops)

1 request/year

Jockey service

(transport and return of the respective vehicle for inspection and / or maintenance)

1 request/year ipo (1) + 1 request/year for maintenance

Safe taxi

(from his/her home to the airport, train station or bus station)

2 requests/year


(cost of tire repair or replacement)

2 accidents/year max. 200€/accident and max. co-payment 80%/accident

(1) IPO - Inspeção Periódica Obrigatória / Mandatory Periodical Inspection

Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

Does the holder of the Móbis Insurance have to be the owner of the vehicle?

According to the portuguese legislation, the holder of the Car Insurance must be the owner of the vehicle, except in the situations foreseen in the law (Decree-Law nº291/2007, August 21st), namely in the situations of usufruct, sale with retention of title and finance lease, in which the duty falls upon the usufructuary, buyer or lessee. However, there is no hindrance to it being two distinct people as long as the regular driver is properly identified at the insurance company.

When does the Móbis Insurance contract begin?

The contract will be concluded when the Insurer accepts the insurance and begins on the date present on the Policy Particular Conditions or another document (Temporary certificate or Aviso-Recibo) issued by the Insurer.

However, on the terms of the law, the car insurance contract warranties are only effective after the payment of the prize or an initial fraction by the holder of the insurance.

If I lend someone my car once, is the Móbis Insurance valid?

Yes, with all the included hired coverages.

Is it possible to hire an against all risks Móbis Insurance?

It is not possible because there isn't an Insurance that can ensure the protection of a certain asset against every single risk that it may be subject to. However, with Móbis Insurance you have, at your disposition, a broad list of coverages that are organized into options, allowing you to choose very quickly and efficiently a solution that best suits your needs.

With the Móbis Insurance what should I do in case of an accident?

If necessary, you should call the authorities and request the identification of the witnesses of the accident. In case someone is hurt you must call medical assistance (112).

If no one is injured and if the accident occured between two vehicles with a portuguese plate and a valid insurance, you must fill out the Declaração Amigável de Acidente Automóvel (DAAA). This declaration must be signed by both drivers and each one must hold on to a copy (copy or original, as long as it is readble).

If your vehicle is not working you must request a tow. If the Road Assistance coverage is included in your Insurance, Móbis will secure you that service.

Ultimately you must send, to the Insurer, the DAAA or Participação de Sinistro. You have 8 days, after the day of the accident, to do this.

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