Did you know that the 1st Stock Order of each month costs €0?

It's with ActivoBank and for any market

The remaining €5 (Europe) / $5 (USA)

Gabriel Ferreira
Finance Influencer

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Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, Certificates and Warrants

Discover the new Securities Price List
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Price List
Price List
Base values
1st Stock Order
1st Stock Order
2nd Stock Order and following Orders
5 000€
50 000€
Price List
Price List
1st Stock Order
1st Stock Order
2nd Stock Order and following Orders
5 000€
50 000€
Price List
Price List
1st Stock Order
1st Stock Order
2nd Stock Order and following Orders
$ 5.00
5 000€
$ 5.00
50 000€
$ 5.00

Monthly Stock Service Fee of €3 + VAT
This service provides access to two Trading Platforms (ActivoTrader Web and App), Real-Time Quotes, Market Depth on Euronext Markets, Information on Indices/Securities, Tax Information, and ensures the Registration and Deposit of Assets in the respective Central Securities Depositories, regardless of the amount or whether the market is domestic and/or international.

Take advantage of this pricing to place Stock Orders with ActivoBank anytime, anywhere

ActivoBank Website

On this website, after logging in, you can trade Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, Certificates, and Warrants

Logo ActivoTrader

ActivoTrader App

On this platform, you will also have access to all these products, as well as interactive charts and news, among others

Access the App
Logo ActivoTrader

ActivoBank App

In our App, you can now trade ETFs and Certificates quickly and easily

Aceder à App

Boost your Investments

Warrants allow the investor to have an exposure to an underlying asset at a lower price, which makes potential returns to be boosted, both up and down.

Protection against risk

When you buy a put on a Stock you hold, you are protected against an eventual decrease in the value of that Stock.

Invest while the value is growing or decreasing

Warrants allow you to invest while the value is growing or decreasing according to an expected evolution of the underlying asset.

Strategic investment

Allows you to define complex strategies in order to invest in the volatility of the underlying asset.

Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

What does high risk mean? Will I lose my money?

Risk can be defined as the probability to incur in losses over the expected gains. This metric is present in every single fund, and the classification attributed to it is on a scale of 1 to 7. The fund’s risk is as high as its value, up to a maximum of 7. The higher the risk the higher the probability to lose, however, the probability to win more is also higher.

How to contact ActivoBank?

+351 210 030 700 (calls to national landline network), with personalized service available on business days (including trading holidays), from 8am to 10pm, Saturdays (10am to 8pm), Sundays and public holidays (12pm to 8pm). The cost of communications depends on the tariff agreed with your telecommunications operator.

How do stock exchange operations work?

In order to buy a Stock, you must place a buy order, in which you define the price at which you want to buy the Stock, and the amount of Stocks that you wish to purchase. As soon as there is someone selling at the same price on the market, the order is executed. The same applies to a sell order.

What's a Warrant?

A Warrant is a contract that gives you the right to buy or sell a certain asset at a certain price, called the Strike price, on a certain date. There are two types of contracts: calls grant the right to buy the asset, and puts grant the right to sell the asset. An investor who has a call benefits from an increase in the price of the asset, and profits if, on the date of exercising the call, the price of the asset is above the strike price. Vice versa for a put.

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You must read the pre-contractual and contractual information, as required by law.

The investment in securities does not guarantee the invested amounts, therefore there is a risk of losing all the capital.

The investment in financial instruments presupposes the qualification of the Client under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II).

Thus, in order to ActivoBank to verify if you are qualified to trade financial products, you will have to fill in a Questionnaire that you can access through the ActivoBank Website > Configure > Profile > MiFID II Questionnaire.

The Banco ActivoBank, S.A., is authorized, namely, to provide services as Intermediário Financeiro registered at Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários under the no. 116, july 29th 1991. Banco ActivoBank, S.A., Office: Rua Augusta, 84, Lisboa, Share Capital 127.600.000,00 Euros, registered at Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Lisboa, with the unique registration number and legal entity 500734305.