Did you know that the 1st Stock Order of each month costs €0?

It's with ActivoBank and for any market

The remaining €5 (Europe) / $5 (USA)

Gabriel Ferreira
Finance Influencer

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Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, Certificates and Warrants

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1st Stock Order
1st Stock Order
2nd Stock Order and following Orders
5 000€
50 000€
Price List
Price List
1st Stock Order
1st Stock Order
2nd Stock Order and following Orders
5 000€
50 000€
Price List
Price List
1st Stock Order
1st Stock Order
2nd Stock Order and following Orders
$ 5.00
5 000€
$ 5.00
50 000€
$ 5.00

Monthly Stock Service Fee of €3 + VAT
This service provides access to two Trading Platforms (ActivoTrader Web and App), Real-Time Quotes, Market Depth on Euronext Markets, Information on Indices/Securities, Tax Information, and ensures the Registration and Deposit of Assets in the respective Central Securities Depositories, regardless of the amount or whether the market is domestic and/or international.

Take advantage of this pricing to place Stock Orders with ActivoBank anytime, anywhere

ActivoBank Website

On this website, after logging in, you can trade Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, Certificates, and Warrants

Logo ActivoTrader

ActivoTrader App

On this platform, you will also have access to all these products, as well as interactive charts and news, among others

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ActivoBank App

In our App, you can now trade ETFs and Certificates quickly and easily

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Thematic ETFs

Invest in what you believe

Decide the future of the world by investing in the sectors you want to see grow.

You can start with little

It doesn’t take much to invest in ETFs. We have a competitive Stock Market Pricing.

Diversifying is important

ETFs allow you to diversify and dilute the associated risk, in a single Investment.

The World is the limit

It is possible to invest in a specific theme or geographic space, according to your interests.

Time matters

You should consider Investments with a long-term view. Let time fulfill its fuction so that you can achieve the defined goal.

ABout Investments

Investment Summit
Onvesting in ETFs

Check out the hottest markets, the most intriguing thematic offerings, and the perfect timing for diving into ETFs

See more

Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

What's an ETF?

ETFs are Investment Funds that are traded on the stock exchange. They are bought and sold throughout the day, and their price is constantly updated. They are usually associated with an index, and considered "passive investment", as there is no active manager trying to make the Fund perform as well as possible, there is only an automatic system that ensures that the ETF performs similarly to the index. ETFs are much less charged than Investment Funds.

What are the fees for purchasing an ETF?

At ActivoBank, the first stock market order is free every month, across all markets and financial instruments. The cost for the second and subsequent orders is €5.

What is the difference between an ETF and a traditional investment fund?

ETFs are traded on the stock exchange and replicate indices, whereas traditional funds are typically actively managed. ETFs generally have lower management fees and can be bought or sold like stocks, whereas traditional funds involve a less flexible subscription and redemption process.

Are ETFs suitable for beginners?

ETFs are complex financial products and do not guarantee the invested capital, so they are best suited for investors with some market knowledge. However, they are often recommended for beginners due to their diversification, low costs, and ease of access. Before investing, it’s important to consider your objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

How can I choose the ETF best suited to my financial goals?

Consider factors such as the replicated index, total cost (management fees and commissions), type of ETF (accumulating or distributing income), liquidity, and alignment with your objectives, such as growth, income, or diversification.

Do ETFs pay dividends?

It depends on the type of ETF. Accumulating ETFs (Acc) reinvest dividends into the fund, while distributing ETFs pay dividends to investors.

What risks are associated with ETFs?

ETFs are subject to several risks:

  • Market risk, such as fluctuations in the prices of underlying assets;
  • Tracking error, which refers to small discrepancies between the ETF's performance and the replicated index;
  • Currency risk, if traded in different currencies;
  • Liquidity risk, depending on trading volume.

The risk of ETFs varies depending on the underlying assets. For example, equity ETFs have higher volatility, while bond or commodity ETFs may have more specific risks. It is important to evaluate the product based on your risk profile and investment goals.

What is the importance of time in ETF investing?

Time is a crucial factor in ETF investments, as they are ideal for long-term strategies, benefiting from compound interest and portfolio diversification. In the short term, they can be used for tactical adjustments or to gain exposure to specific markets.

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The investment in securities does not guarantee the invested amounts, therefore there is a risk of losing all the capital.

The investment in financial instruments presupposes the qualification of the Client under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II).

Thus, in order to ActivoBank to verify if you are qualified to trade financial products, you will have to fill in a Questionnaire that you can access through the ActivoBank Website > Configure > Profile > MiFID II Questionnaire.

The Banco ActivoBank, S.A., is authorized, namely, to provide services as Intermediário Financeiro registered at Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários under the no. 116, july 29th 1991. Banco ActivoBank, S.A., Office: Rua Augusta, 84, Lisboa, Share Capital 127.600.000,00 Euros, registered at Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Lisboa, with the unique registration number and legal entity 500734305.

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