
Médis Health Insurance

Subscribe to the Insurance in our App and enjoy the offer of the 1st monthly payment and the cost of the policy​​

Campaign valid between 01/01/2025 and 31/03/2025

Need to feel safe? We got you covered

Online Doctor

Talk to a doctor at any time through the Médis App.

Medicine home delivery

Order what you need from a pharmacy that belongs to a list of Médis pharmacies and don't worry about the rest.

Enhanced Oncologic Protection

Access to a higher capital limit for appointments and treatments, coverage for prostheses e orthotics, assistance services and a personalized prevention plan. Available with options 2 and 3.


Coverages tailored to your needs

All the options of the Médis Insurance allow access to the wide network of doctors all over national territory.

Medis Insurance Coverages
Coverages Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 AB Suggestion






Oncologic Reinforced Protection


Additional 50.000€




Included in hospitalization

Included in hospitalization

2nd Opinion (1)





Ambulatory Assistance

200€ (Optional) without deductible
1.000€ (Optional) deductible: 50€ per insured person a year



Oncologic Reinforced Protection

Ambulatory Assistance

Additional +2.500€

Additional + 5.000€

Sub-limit Physiotherapy

Ambulatory Assistance


(if you choose 1000€ for the Base Option - Ambulatory Assistance



Sub-limit for psychiatry appointments

Ambulatory Assistance

6 individual sessions or 12 group sessions

6 individual sessions or 12 group sessions

6 individual sessions or 12 group sessions


250€ (Optional)

1.000€ (Optional)

Bras for breast implants

Oncology - Prostheses e Orthotics

40€ (1 per annuity)

External bilateral breast implant

Oncology - Prostheses e Orthotics

110€ (1 per annuity)

External unilateral breast implant

Oncology - Prostheses e Orthotics

95€ (1 per annuity)


Oncology - Prostheses e Orthotics

500€ (1 per life)

Support products for ostomy

Oncology - Prostheses e Orthotics

500€ (1 per annuity)

Patient transport

Oncology - Assistance Services

2 transportations per annuity

Psychological support

Oncology - Assistance Services

5 appointments per annuity

Comfort services (2)

Oncology - Assistance Services

1.000€ per annuity

Home nursing

Oncology - Assistance Services

10 uses per annuity

University Clinic of Navarra




Barcelona - Berlin – USA



Remaining Clinics


Deductible: 1.500€ per family household a year just for the remaining clinics

Severe diseases (3)


The costs of the coverages are per insured person.

(1) Acesso através da Linha Médis e serviço prestado pela Clínica Universitária de Navarra.
(2) Serviços de limpeza e higiene pessoal, serviços de babysitting e de fisioterapia.
(3) As prestações ao abrigo desta cobertura são válidas apenas na Rede de Prestadores convencionados fora do território nacional. São consideradas como Doenças Graves, ao abrigo desta cobertura, as patologias constantes nas condições contratuais.
(4) Os Clientes Médis com as Opções 1 ou 2 (opções sem Cobertura Internacional), terão acesso a um desconto de 15% nas Consultas e nos Meios Complementares de Diagnóstico na Clínica Universitária de Navarra.



Inside the Médis Network

Outside the Médis Network

Remaining Médis coverages

(Hospitalization, birth, ambulatory assistance, stomatology and oncological prostheses e orthotics)


Option 1

Option 2

Option 3


Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Dental prostheses and orthotics *


Option 2

Option 3


Option 2

Option 3


Inside the Médis Network

Outside the Médis Network

University Clinic of Navarra


Option 3

Barcelona - Berlin – EUA


Option 3

Remaining clinics


Option 3

*Only applicable when the Stomatology optional coverage has been subscribed


Fixed value/percentage that will be paid by the Client after each medical act (appointments, exams or others).


Option 1, 2 e 3

Options Vintage and Vintage Plus


10% for a min of 200,00€ and max of 500€

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network


10% per session and max of 500€

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network


Except option 1


Except option 1


17€ *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

Online Doctor

Without co-payments

Without co-payments

Médis Assistant Doctor


50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network


40€ *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

Home service

25€ *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

Medical check-up


Clinical analysis

(per analysis)

1,50€ *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

X-ray / Pathological Anatomy

(per X-ray)

7,50€ *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network


(per sonogram)

12,50€ *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

Nuclear Medicine

(per treatment/exam)

10% of the cost *
of the treatment/exam

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

CT Scan

(per CT Scan)

27,50€ *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

Oncology - Psychological support

10€ per appointment
Except option 1

Oncology - Home nursing

10€ per use
Except option 1


65€ *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

Stomatology (per medical act) *

Except Option 1

Other complementary means of diagnostic

10% *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

Surgeries, treatments and other medical acts in Ambulatory Assistance

10% *

50% of the medical act’s cost inside the Médis Network

*For option 1 these co-payments are only applicable when the ambulatory assistance coverage is selected. When this coverage isn’t hired you can benefit from lower prices agreed with the Médis Network providers.

*Only applicable when the Stomatology optional coverage has been subscribed.

Options Vintage and Vintage Plus



Vintage Plus




2nd opinion



Ambulatory Assistance (1)



Online Doctor



Flu vaccine

1 shot

1 shot

Severe diseases


Medical check-up

1 check-up

1 check-up

Physiotherapy services at home

Home assistance

5 days

10 days

Nursing services at home

Home assistance

5 days

10 days

Cleaning and personal hygiene services at home

Home assistance

5 days

10 days

Feeding services at home

Home assistance

3 requests, max 50€ per trip

3 requests, max 50€ per trip

Special transportation for children (less than 13 years old) that are ubder your care

Home assistance

3 requests, max 50€ per trip

3 requests, max 50€ per trip

Medication delivery (5)

Home assistance

1 delivery

1 delivery

Clinical analysis at home (6)

Home assistance

1 collect

1 collect

Non urgent transportation

Home assistance

2 transports

2 transports

(1) The amount that the client must bear will correspond to 50% of the prices agreed between Médis and the provider.
(5) Custo dos medicamentos a cargo da Pessoa Segura.
(6) Custo das análises a cargo da Pessoa Segura.

Waiting periods

It’s the period when the health insurance is already active, but you don’t have access to all benefits yet. The number of days varies according to the coverage and is not applicable in case of accident.

60 days

Ambulatory Assistance, Stomatology and Oncology - prostheses and orthotics.

The coverages Stomatology and Oncology - prostheses and orthotics are not applicable for Options Vintage and Vintage Plus.

90 days


180 days

  • Severe diseases.
  • Surgical treatment or through other invasive methods such as benign prostate hypertrophy, benign pathology pf the uterus, cystocele and rectocele.

The coverage of severe diseases is not applicable on the Vintage option.

365 days

  • Birth.
  • Surgical treatment of varicose veins on the lower limbs and slipped disc;
  • Hemorrhoidectomy and other treatments of hemorrhoidal disease and surgical treatment of perianal fistula;
  • Treatment of joint pathology via arthroscopy;
  • Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, myringotomy with or without the appliance of ventilation tubes, septoplasty, rhino septoplasty and surgical treatment of sleep apnea;
  • Surgical excision of skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue benign lesions and laser treatments to skin lesions.

The coverage of birth is not applicable on the Vintage and Vintage Plus options.

Age limit for subscription and permanence

Age limit

Option 1 and 2

Option 3

Option Vintage

Option Vintage Plus


Up to 64 years old.

Up to 64 years old.

Between 55 and 75 years old.


No age limit for permanence if subscribed until 55 years old. If the subscription happens after 55, the age limit for permanence is 65 years old.

No age limit for permanence.

No age limit for permanence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

How much does an appointment with Médis cost?

General and family practice appointments and specialty ones, always cost €19, as long as you have the ambulatory assistance coverage. If you don't have the coverage included in your insurance, you can take advantage of the agreed prices on the Médis Network, lower than the marke average.

The visit of a house doctor has a cost of €25 and the admission to the emergency costs €40. These amounts may vary according to the coverages set in the insurance.

Prices may vary from test to test according to the conditions of your insurance. For example:

  • Clinical tests: €1,5 (per test).
  • X-Ray: €7,5.
  • Sonogram: €12,5.
  • MRI: €65./li>

If you're already a Médis client, you can consult these prices in the Client area.

For Vintage options you pay 50% of the medical act's cost (appointment or exam) agreed with the Médis Network provider.

With the Médis Insurance can I go abroad to treat a health problem?

Yes. If you subscribe option 3, you will have access to the Médis International Network, that relies on prestiged Internacional Hospitals: the University Clinic of Navarra(1), the Barcelona Medical Center in Spain, Johns Hopkins in the USA and the Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin in Germany.

With option 3, you will also have access to the coverage of serious illnesses with a capital of 1 million euros, in which the best foreign medical center will be selected, according to your condition.

Médis clients with options 1 or 2 (options without internacional coverage), will have access to a 15€ discount on appointments and on the additional resources of diagnostic at the University Clinic of Navarra.

(1) Certification by Joint Comission International.

How can I book an appointment with Médis?

With the Médis Guide you can search for specialty, hospital, clinic or practice and call directly to book it. You must mention you are a Médis Client when you are booking it.

To use the international coverages you will need a pre-authorization from Médis to activate the Insurance. To request this pre-authorization or to know the adequate institution for you, you must send an email to medis.coberturasinternacionais@medis.pt or call the Médis Line +351 218 458 888.

After reaching the limits do I still have any benefits with Médis?

Yes, you will pay the prices agreed with the Médis Network providers. Simply identify yourself as a Client,by presenting your card.

What if I go to a doctor outside the Médis Network?

In this situation you have to pay for the appointment and ask Médis for a reimbursement, through one of the following ways:

Website or App

On your Client area select the menu Expenses and New expense, fill out the fields and attach the necessary documents. If you're using the App, simply take a picture of the receipt.


On your Client area select the menu Expenses and New expense. Send the original receipt with the filled ou expense document to:

Médis - Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Saúde, SA
Av. Dr. Mário Soares, Edifício 10 - Tagus Park
2744-002 Porto Salvo

Note: options Vintage and Vintage Plus work exclusively on the Médis providers network, where you'll have access to over 13.000 doctors and 8.000 hospitals, clinics and practices.

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This information does not dispense with the reading of the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.
There are exclusions provided in the Policy.

Insurance Agent: Banco ActivoBank, S.A., Office: Rua Augusta, 84 Lisboa, Share Capital 127.600.000 Euros, registered with this same number in the Lisbon Trade Registry, Single registration and TIN. 500 734 305. Insurance Agent registered under nr. 419501226, with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority - Registration Date: 21/01/2019. Authorization for the brokerage distribution of the Life and non-Life insurance. For information and further registration details, please visit the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority Website. The Insurance Agent is not authorized to sign insurance contracts on behalf of the Insurer or receive any insurance premiums payable to the Insurer. The Insurance Agent does not assume liability regarding any risks covered by the insurance contract, which shall be fully assumed by the Insurer.

Logo Ocidental

Ageas Portugal – Companhia de Seguros, S.A. Head office at Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisboa. Legal person number 503 454 109. CRC Porto. Share capital of € 7.500.000. ASF Register 1129, www.asf.com.pt

Médis: an exclusive and registered brand of products managed by Médis – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Saúde, S.A., the insurer, reinsurer, and manager of the integrated healthcare delivery system underlying the insurance policies issued by it or by other insurers under its authorization.

Personal Data Protection and Insurance Mediation
ActivoBank, as insurance intermediary, carries out its business of distribuing insurance to the Insurance Company Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. (Non-Life Branch) and to the Insurance Company Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (Life Branch). In order to carry out this simulation, it may be necessary to proceed with the collection of personal data (such as identification and contact details, among others that may be necessary) to be transmitted to the Insurance Company.

Banco ActivoBank, S.A.