Insurance à la carte​ in the App ActivoBank

Homin, with exemption on the 1st monthly fee, in the 1st annual fee.

Simple and easy

Valid from 1/1 to 31/3/25 for App subscriptions


Protected home

Emergency assistance

You can count on electrical, IT and senior assistance or other domestic emergency such as water leaks or heater malfunctions.

Diversified protection

You're protected against theft, stealing, explosions, fire, water damages and a lot more.

Offers for different needs

Protection and special coverages for owners, tenants and landlords.


Three protection options to choose from

Choose the option that best suits your needs and your house.

Natural phenomena Base Regular Premium

Water damage

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 150€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Malfunction search and repair

Capital: 2,5% of the insured amount (building), maximum of 2.500€

No deductible

Capital: 2,5% of the insured amount (building), maximum of 2.500€

No deductible

Capital: 2,5% of the insured amount (building), maximum of 5.000€

No deductible


Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 150€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Fire, lightning, explosion

Insured capital (building/contents)

No deductible

Insured capital (building/contents)

No deductible

Insured capital (building/contents)

No deductible


Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 150€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€



Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 150€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Seismic phenomena


Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 5%


Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 5%

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 5%

Malicious acts Base Regular Premium

Theft or robbery

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Strikes, riots and public conflicts

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Vandalism and malicious intent

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Aid to people and homes after accidents Base Regular Premium

Home assistance

Demolition and removal of rubble

Capital: 10% of the insured amount (building/content)

No deductible

Capital: 10% of the insured amount (building/content)

No deductible

Contents custody

Capital: 5% of the insured amount (content), maximum of 750€/month

No deductible

Capital: 5% of the insured amount (content), maximum of 750€/month

No deductible

Temporary move

Capital: 5% of the insured amount (content), maximum of 750€/month

No deductible

Capital: 5% of the insured amount (content), maximum of 750€/month

No deductible

Deprivation of housing and relocation

Capital: 5% of the insured amount (content), maximum of 750€/month

No deductible

Capital: 5% of the insured amount (content), maximum of 750€/month

No deductible

Aesthetic damages

Capital: Maximum 2.500€

No deductible

Capital: Maximum 5.000€

No deductible

Oil spill

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Electric risks


Insured capital (wiring)

Deductible: 10%, minimum 150€


Insured capital (wiring)

Deductible: 10%, minimum 150€

Insured capital (wiring)

Deductible: 10%, minimum 150€

Assistance services Base Regular Premium

Domestic emergency

Electric assistance


IT assistance


Senior assistance



Guarantee add-on for appliances



Personal accidents and liability Base Regular Premium

Civil liability

Capital 100.000€

No deductible

Capital 150.000€

No deductible

Capital 250.000€

No deductible

Legal expenses for civil liab.

Expenses up to 2.500€ and fees up to 1.500€

No deductible

Expenses up to 2.500€ and fees up to 1.500€

No deductible

Pers. Domestic risks – Medical expenses

Expenses up to 2.500€ and fees up to 1.500€

No deductible

Expenses up to 2.500€ and fees up to 1.500€

No deductible

Pers. Domestic risks – Death or permanent invalidity

Capital: 2,5% of the content’s insured amount, maximum of 1.250€

No deductible

Capital: 2,5% of the content’s insured amount, maximum of 1.250€

No deductible

Pers. Domestic risks – Funeral expenses

Capital: 2,5% of the content’s insured amount, maximum of 7.500€

No deductible

Capital: 2,5% of the content’s insured amount, maximum of 7.500€

No deductible

Civil liability - pools


Capital 250.000€

No deductible

Collision, breaks or crashes Base Regular Premium

Break or crash of aerials

Capital: 2% of the insured amount (building/content), maximum of 500€

No deductible

Capital: 2% of the insured amount (building/content), maximum of 1.000€

No deductible

Glass break

Capital: 1% of the insured amount (building/content), maximum of 10.000€

No deductible

Capital: 1% of the insured amount (building/content), maximum of 10.000€

No deductible

Collision of land vehicles

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Break or crash of solar panels

Capital: 1% of the insured amount (building/content), maximum of 1.000€

No deductible

Capital: 1% of the insured amount (building/content), maximum of 1.000€

No deductible

Aircraft crash

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Insured capital (building/contents)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Complementary coverages Base Regular Premium

Accidental damages

Capital: 1.000€

Deductible: 200€

Garage vehicles


Capital (vehicle)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€


Capital (vehicle)

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Gardens and plantation damages


Own capital (garden)

No deductible

Wall damages


Capital: Up to 10% of the property’s amount

Deductible: 0€, 150€ or 500€

Landlord assets damage

Maximum capital 7.500€

No deductible

Maximum capital 7.500€

No deductible

Loss of rents

Maximum capital 7.500€

No deductible

Maximum capital 7.500€

No deductible

Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

What is the value of the ensured capital of my house?

The value of the insured capital must correspond to the cost of the property's reconstruction in case an unexpected event occurs. This amount is based on the year, type of construction and factors such as finishing, dimension, geographic location or improvement works.

In case of horizontal property, the value of the reconstruction must correspond to the value of the apartment plus the commensurate of the common parts (roof, stairs, elevators, garage, etc).

In case of property that will be demolished or expropriated the insured capital must correspond to the matricial value.

The insured capital is not related to the amount in debt of the home loan and it is far lower than the market/commercial value.

What are the implications of having a Home Insurance over unsuitable capital?

In case a policy has ensured capital superior to what it should, the compensation to be received will never surpass the reconstruction cost.

When the ensured capital is inferior to the cost of reconstruction (in case of property) or to the cost of substitution for a new one (in case of furniture and house content), the Insurer will only pay the part of the damages that is proportional to the relation between the cost of reconstruction or substitution, to the date of the accident, and the Insured capital.

For example, if a building whose reconstruction cost is €100.000 is insured for €60.000, the Insurer will be responsible for 60% of the damages, and the remaing 40% will be held by the Insured person. If an accident causes damages in the worth of €30.000 the Insurer will only compensate €18.000 (60% of €30.000), the Insured person will support the reaming 40%, which means €12.000.

How can I report an accident with the Homin Insurance?

To report an accident send an email to sinistros.patrimoniais@ocidental.pt, indicating the policy number and the description of the accident. You must also identify all the contacts that Ocidental can use to comunicate with all the parties inolved in the accident.

If you have any doubts, you can contact the Ocidental Seguros accidents support line: 210 042 490 (workdays from 8:30 to 18:00).

What is the content of a house?

The content is all of the assets that exist in the house, which are divided in two: common content and special objects.

Common content

All the assets that belong to the Insured person, that make up a home, such as furniture, appliances (built-in or not), tableware, services, clothing, decorations or stereo sets.

Special objects

All the objects with increased value, such as, jewelry, precious materials, antiquities, artworks, coin collections or other assets that are worth more than €1000.

In case the holder of the insurance does not specify the special objetcs, his total amount will be limited, in case of accident, to 20% of the content's total value, up to a maximum of €7500 and €1000 per object.

How can I simulate or subscribe Homin Insurance?

To simulate or to subscribe the Homin Insurance visit an Activo Branch or contact us through the the Support Line +351 210 030 700 (calls to national landline network) +351 918 788 486 / +351 965 998 486 / +351 935 228 486 (calls to national mobile network) 24 hours customer service. The cost of communications depends on the tariff agreed with your telecommunications operator.

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Campaign valid from 1/1 to 31/3/2025

Pub. This information does not dispense with the reading of the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.
Insurance Agent: Banco ActivoBank, S.A., Office: Rua Augusta, 84 Lisboa, Share Capital 127.600.000 Euros, registered with this same number in the Lisbon Trade Registry, Single registration and TIN. 500 734 305. Insurance Agent registered under nr. 419501226, with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority - Registration Date: 21/01/2019. Authorization for the brokerage distribution of the Life and non-Life insurance. For information and further registration details, please visit the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority Website. The Insurance Agent is not authorized to sign insurance contracts on behalf of the Insurer or receive any insurance premiums payable to the Insurer. The Insurance Agent does not assume liability regarding any risks covered by the insurance contract, which shall be fully assumed by the Insurer.
Logo Ocidental
Ageas Portugal – Companhia de Seguros, S.A. Head office at Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisboa. Legal person number 503 454 109. CRC Porto. Share capital of € 7.500.000. ASF Register 1129, www.asf.com.pt

Personal Data Protection and Insurance Mediation
ActivoBank, as insurance intermediary, carries out its business of distribuing insurance to the Insurance Company Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. (Non-Life Branch) and to the Insurance Company Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (Life Branch). In order to carry out this simulation, it may be necessary to proceed with the collection of personal data (such as identification and contact details, among others that may be necessary) to be transmitted to the Insurance Company.