ON/OFF Travel Insurance

Don't let the safety slip



We stay ON while you're OFF

Just €1,25/day per person

You only pay when the Insurance is active.

Safety at the distance of a button

Available on your App so you can take safety anywhere with you.

Includes €15.000.000 in coverages

Medical assistance, flight, baggage, winter sports and others, with a deductible of €75 per accident.


At any time during your trip you can activate the Insurance and add up to 6 people to your list.(1)

Take a break…but keep it safe

"Emergency call" button

In case of accident contact the Assistance Service through the App.

Safe anywhere in the world

Use your Insurance in any country, except Portugal.

Winter sports included

From ski slopes aid expenses to treatment expenses in Portugal.

Open the App to susbcribe

Subscribe the ON/OFF Travel Insurance on the area For you.

Not our Client yet? It's simple: download the App to open an account.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What else do you need to know?

These are our frequently asked questions.

What makes the ON/OFF Travel Insurance different from a traditional Travel Insurance?

The ON/OFF Travel Insurance can only be susbcribed through the App and has a daily cost of €1,25. You will only pay for the days of the trip and you can include up to 7 persons (including the holder of the insurance). The coverages inlcude medical treatment, flight delays, search and transportation of lost luggage and winter sports.

How do I know if I'm eligible to subscribe the ON/OFF Travel Insurance?

To subscribe you need to be within the folowing criteria: residency in Portugal, mainland and islands; age superior to 18 and inferior or equal to 69 years; Current Account with ActivoBank; portuguese NIF; make sure you're not travelling against medical recomendation.

Is there a waiting time before I can use the ON/OFF Travel Insurance?

If you are abroad or don't allow the access to your location, the confirmation can take up to 24 hours. Activate it before leaving Portugal so that this time isn't applied.

With the ON/OFF Travel Insurance what should I do to report an accident?

On the App you must request help by clicking the button "Emergency call", on your ON/OFF Travel Insurance, available 24hours a day. You can consult further information on the area "In case of accident", where you will find the steps you must follow.

When I return to Portugal do I have to disable the ON/OFF Travel Insurance?

Yes, you must click the OFF button when you return to Portugal. We can notify you to disable it, when you return, if your location services are active.

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(1) Subject to a 24 hour waiting period

Pub. This information does not dispense with the reading of the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.
Insurance Agent: Banco ActivoBank, S.A., Office: Rua Augusta, 84 Lisboa, Share Capital 127.600.000 Euros, registered with this same number in the Lisbon Trade Registry, Single registration and TIN. 500 734 305. Insurance Agent registered under nr. 419501226, with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority - Registration Date: 21/01/2019. Authorization for the brokerage distribution of the Life and non-Life insurance. For information and further registration details, please visit the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority Website. The Insurance Agent is not authorized to sign insurance contracts on behalf of the Insurer or receive any insurance premiums payable to the Insurer. The Insurance Agent does not assume liability regarding any risks covered by the insurance contract, which shall be fully assumed by the Insurer.
Logo Ocidental
Ageas Portugal – Companhia de Seguros, S.A. Head office at Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisboa. Legal person number 503 454 109. CRC Porto. Share capital of € 7.500.000. ASF Register 1129, www.asf.com.pt

Personal Data Protection and Insurance Mediation
ActivoBank, as insurance intermediary, carries out its business of distribuing insurance to the Insurance Company Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. (Non-Life Branch) and to the Insurance Company Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (Life Branch). In order to carry out this simulation, it may be necessary to proceed with the collection of personal data (such as identification and contact details, among others that may be necessary) to be transmitted to the Insurance Company.