The ON/OFF Travel Insurance can only be susbcribed through the App and has a daily cost of €1,25. You will only pay for the days of the trip and you can include up to 7 persons (including the holder of the insurance). The coverages inlcude medical treatment, flight delays, search and transportation of lost luggage and winter sports.
To subscribe you need to be within the folowing criteria: residency in Portugal, mainland and islands; age superior to 18 and inferior or equal to 69 years; Current Account with ActivoBank; portuguese NIF; make sure you're not travelling against medical recomendation.
If you are abroad or don't allow the access to your location, the confirmation can take up to 24 hours. Activate it before leaving Portugal so that this time isn't applied.
On the App you must request help by clicking the button "Emergency call", on your ON/OFF Travel Insurance, available 24hours a day. You can consult further information on the area "In case of accident", where you will find the steps you must follow.
Yes, you must click the OFF button when you return to Portugal. We can notify you to disable it, when you return, if your location services are active.