Legal Information

  • Banco ActivoBank, S.A. is a Credit Institution whose activity is supervised by Banco de Portugal, the CMVM (Portuguese Securities Market Commission) and ISP (Portuguese Insurance Institute).
  • The Bank's head office is at Rua Augusta, with share capital of 127.600.000,00 Euros, registered at Lisbon Commercial Registry under single registration and tax identification number 500 734 305.
  • The Bank is a Credit Institution with special registration at Banco de Portugal under number 23.
  • The Bank is authorised, namely, to provide investment services as a financial intermediary, being registered at the CMVM under number 116.
  • Banco ActivoBank, S.A., headquartered at Rua Augusta, 84, in Lisbon, with a share capital of 127,600,000.00 Euros, registered in the Lisbon Commercial Registry Office with the unique registration and corporate entity number 500734305. Insurance Agent registered under No. 419501226, with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority - Registration Date: 21/01/2019. Authorization for insurance mediation in the Life and Non-Life branches. Information and other registration details can be verified at The Mediator is not authorized to conclude insurance contracts on behalf of the Insurer or to receive insurance premiums to be delivered to the Insurer. The Mediator does not assume any coverage of risks inherent to the insurance contract, which are fully assumed by the Insurer.
    Life Branch:​
    Ocidental - Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. - Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisbon. Corporate entity No. 501 836 926, registered under this number in the Lisbon Commercial Registry Office. Share capital 22,375,000 Euros.​
    Non-Life Branch:​
    Ocidental - Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros, S.A. - Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisbon. Corporate entity No. 501 836 918, registered under this number in the Lisbon Commercial Registry Office. Share capital 12,500,000 Euros.
  • The Bank participates in the Investor Compensation Scheme regulated by Decree-Law number 222/99, of 22 June, whose purpose is to guarantee the coverage of loans for which a participating entity is liable as a consequence of its financial incapacity, in accordance with the applicable legal and contractual conditions, to reimburse or refund investors for the monies owed to them or belonging to them and which are allocated, in particular, to investment operations, or which are held, administered or managed on their behalf in the context of investment operations.
  • Funds deposited at ActivoBank benefit from the guarantee of reimbursement provided by the Deposit Guarantee Fund whenever the deposited funds become unavailable for reasons directly related to the Bank's financial situation. The Deposit Guarantee Fund guarantees reimbursement up to the maximum amount of 100,000.00 Euros per depositor. The calculation of the value of the deposits of each depositor considers the collective value of the deposit accounts on the date when the Bank was unable to repay the deposits, including interest and, for the balance of deposits in foreign currency, the amount is converted into Euros at the exchange rate in force on this date. For further information, see the website
  • The Bank provides a service for receipt and treatment of any claims that Customers may wish to submit. For this purpose, the claims should be sent to: ActivoBank through the number 210 030 700 and/or AB Support and/or in writing by letter which should be addressed to Avenida Doutor Mário Soares, Tagus Park Edf. 10, Piso 0, 2744-005 Porto Salvo or to any branch of the Bank.
  • The Bank is a financial intermediary subject to CMVM supervision and as such its Customers may present any claims regarding its actions directly to the supervision authority through the following address
  • Policy of Conflict of Interests - this policy is issued in conformity with European Directive 2004/39/EC of 21 April 2004, relative to markets in financial instruments (MiFID), and reflects, according to the transposition to the internal legal system, the rules applicable to Banco ActivoBank, S.A. See here for the full policy.

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