Green Home Loan

For properties with A+, A and B energy certification

TAEG 5,3% | TAEG 4,6%
with associated optional sales

Entails the holding of the following products:

Domiciliation of the salary in the Account associated with the Loan

Domiciliation of 2 monthly payments (electricity, water, gas, communications)

Credit Card with a minimum usage of €100/month – TAEG 17,9%*

Life Insurance linked to Loan at Ocidental Vida**


Conditions Green home loan

Loans with associated optional sales

Associating 4 products to your Loan, you’ll have a reduced rate.
Learn how.

A. Mandatory product

If you want to take the rate with associated sales, this product is not optional and must be linked to your Loan as the following:

Deposit, in the ActivoBank's S.A. Current Accounts where the borrowers are the first holders, of the customer's salary/retirement or deposits and/or transfers to the Current Account related to the Loan of €750/month with checks every six months of the accumulated value

B. Products you can choose

To sum up a total of 4 products, you must add to the mandatory product 3 more of the 5 following options, as you prefer:

Credit Card at Banco ActivoBank S.A. (transactions of payments of purchases and services with the minimum use of €100/month with checks every six months of the accumulated value)

Consumer Loan at Bank ActivoBank S.A. where borrowers are first holders with a minimum outstanding balance of €1.000

Domiciliation of 2 monthly payments in the Account associated to the financing, as payments of utilities (electricity, water, gas, communication)​

Life Insurance linked to the Loan at Ocidental Vida

Multirisk Home Insurance linked to the Loan, commercialized by Ageas Portugal under the Ocidental brand**​

If you prefer to have the rate with associated optional sales, choose that option on your simulation1

1- Benefits will be allocated after the Loan is contracted and according to the energy classification, which must be proven by presenting the Energy Certificate.​ In the case of construction, the Energy Certificate, essential for the attribution of the benefit, must be presented at the time of the request for the final installment of financing. ​In the case of renovations, the presentation of the Energy Certificate obtained after the completion of the renovations and the receipt related to the cost of its issue are essential so that the Bank proceeds with the credit of the attributed amounts. These documents must be submitted no later than 3 months after the provision of the last installment of financing.​ In addition to the energy classification of the property, it is also a condition for the attribution of the planned amount, the actual charge of the commissions indicated there, which means that, in the cases of the Dossier Commission and/or Formalization there will be no palace for the attribution of any amount.

Representative example:
*Visa Classic Credit Card
TAEG 17,9%
| TAN 13,700% for a credit limit of €1.500 paid equally in 12 monthly installments of capital plus interest and charges. Without provision fee. Subject to credit risk analysis.​

Conditions valid for proposals approved until december 31, 2024 and hired until january 31, 2025.

Representative example:
Example for a 30-year-old consumer – €100.000 financing, with mortgage; appraised value €150.000; 30 year term. Product Indexed Settlement, purpose Acquisition, initial Fees (Dossier Fee, Formalization and Evaluation) €748.80; Contract expenses €495,62; Loan opening Stamp Duty €600; Multirisk Insurance Prize with monthly payments of €17,63.

Subject to credit risk analysis.​

TAEG without associated optional sales 5,3% – variable TAN 4,436% (Euribor 12 months of september 2024 of 2,936 % e hired spread of 1,50%); Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €16,90; 360 monthly payments of €502,89 – Total Amount Payable by the Consumer of €195.316,50.

TAEG with associated optional sales* 4,6% – variable TAN 3,736% (Euribor 12 months of september 2024 of 2,936 % e hired spread of 0,80%); Average monthly Life Insurance prize of €16,22; 360 monthly payments of €462,32 – Total Amount Payable by the Consumer of €180.465,12.

Entails the holding of the following products:
• Salary domiciliation on the Account associated with the Loan;

It additionally fulfills three of the five conditions:
• Credit Card at Banco ActivoBank, (transactions of payments of purchases and services with the minimum use of €100/month with checks every six months of the accumulated value) - TAEG 17,9%*;​
• Personal Loan at Banco ActivoBank, where borrowers are first holders with a minimum outstanding balance of €1.000;​
• Domiciliation of 2 monthly payments in the Account associated to the financing at Banco ActivoBank, as payments of utilities (electricity, water, gas, communication)​;
• Life Insurance linked to the Loan at Ocidental Vida **;
• Multirisk Home Insurance linked to the Loan, commercialized by Ageas Portugal under the Ocidental brand**;

Banco ActivoBank, S.A. is a BCP housing loan bound intermediary in exclusive basis. The granting of credit is subject to the macro-prudential rules of Banco de Portugal. The applied interest rate (TAN) can take on negative values according to the evolution of the corresponding indexed.​

You must read the pre-contractual and contractual information, as required by law. Ocidental brand insurance commercialized by Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. and Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros, S.A.

Banco ActivoBank, S.A., Office: Rua Augusta, 84 Lisboa, Share Capital 127.600.000,00 Euros, registered with this same number in the Lisbon Trade Registry, Single registration and TIN. 500 734 305. Insurance agent registered under nr. 419501226, with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority – Registration Date: 21/01/2019. Authorization for the brokerage distribution of the life and non-life insurance. For information and further registration details can be checked on the ASF website.​ The Insurance Intermediary is not authorized to sign insurance contracts on behalf of the Insurer or receive any insurance premiums payable to the Insurer. The Insurance Intermediary does not assume liability regarding any risks covered by the insurance contract, which shall be fully assumed by the Insurer.​

Personal Data Protection and Insurance Mediation

ActivoBank, as insurance intermediary, carries out its business of distribuing insurance to the Insurance Company Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. (Non-Life Branch) and to the Insurance Company Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (Life Branch).​ In order to carry out this simulation, it may be necessary to proceed with the collection of personal data (such as identification and contact details, health and financial information, among others that may be necessary) to be transmitted to

Life Branch:

Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. – Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisboa. Legal Person number. 501 836 926. CRC Lisboa. Share capital of 22.375.000 Euros. Register ASF 1024. Information and further registration details can be checked on the ASF website. Offices: Edifício Campo Alegre, Rua Gonçalo Sampaio 39, 4169-001 Porto.​

Non Life Branch:
Ageas Portugal – Companhia de Seguros, S.A. Head office at Praça Príncipe Perfeito 2, 1990-278 Lisboa. Legal Person number 503 454 109. CRC Porto. Share capital of 7.500.000 Euros. ASF Register 1129. Information and further registration details can be checked on the ASF website.

Home Loan granted by Banco Comercial Português, S.A.